Wednesday, November 25, 2009


kennard claims that style is very important for bowling,
so he went qian fang bai jin just for it (:

we shall clap for him and give him the greatest honour,
(idk which words but nevermind)

idk why theres two videos O:
oh its a picture :D

then gutter :D

kennard drannek [: says:
uh no pool pls LOL
i suck at pool
#25, kahleong! 注定两条交叉后的线会越走越远, says:
hahahahaa you rock at bowling yup.
kennard drannek [: says:
i shall rock k xD


hahahaha lets wait and see :D

10:53 PM

Monday, November 23, 2009

today's the last sectionals until we move ):
i'll miss malan, (i think)
i shall go around taking alot alot of pictures tomorrow!

oh i skipped today :D
like finallyyyyyy.
i said i wanted to skip a few days ago.
until now hai.

i did 2000 skips + 30 double skips in twenty five minutes,
hahaha dontknow what after thirty minutes then will burn calories,
i shall try 3000 4000 next time -.-.

its really hard to jianfei can wlao.
i dont like it.

maybe i shall just give up all those jianfei shit and eat all i want.

see the whether how :)

9:37 PM

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

hahahaha long time no see.

hahaha i think co tee drag very long alr,
aiya i dont care actually,

just now went get a sample teeshirt,
then now mrchua say want drifit.
if not later management jump.
imagine ~
someone in the "management" jumping about, joke xD
idk leh i dont like drifit ):
but no choice.
ten bucks, still okay right hahahaha!

afterthat went cca for awhile.
practice with judith O:
then she was trying pipa,
she looks small with pipa,
okay actually she looks small with everything.
-oooops im sorry ^^-

then went bowling hahaha
rina say its her first time O:

#07 ♥ Xiumei Loony, 四娘(二) - 人见人爱! says:
you never had a topic you blog abt what
#07 ♥ Xiumei Loony, 四娘(二) - 人见人爱! says:
its all random things combined together -.-

actually its true,
but i dont care.
its just boring keep talking about the same thing.
not fun one.
talk about random stuff is more fun :D

xiumei complaining theres a dent on the bowling lane.
i think thats really damn hilarious -.-.
wlao -.-
hahaha oops.

or youwei complaining about viwawa.
"just cause i got life i dont play bridge on viwawa doesnt mean i low level = noob"
i agree -.-
last time i lvl one always get kicked one leh wlao, damn stupid.
dont like those haolian people -.-
lvl 50 big ah,
lose lvl 1 i laugh.

i cant remember the difference between overture and tonepoem -.-
i just know both got stupid stuff like gd gd gd gd gd gd for dontknow how many bloody bars.
but i dont have to play why the hell am i complaining.
nevermind its okay.
i just feel random and stupid which makes me randomly stupid.

im trying to patch maple LOL.
i think im doing alot stuff now.
like clicking the horn then i sarted scolding mousehunt cos they write unable to sound bloodyhell.
and arguing with hoxiumei whether doing stuff or sleeping is more important,
of course i would say sleep cos its the second greatest joy of life ^^
then still got what,
aiya dont bother.

maybe next time i shall try to blog about just one thing.
so my posts wont be so boring,
but interesting since theres elaboration and stuff,
but i cant elaborate -.-
theres a reason why im not taking history,
though i put it as my second choice hahaha.

i'll laugh,
if jacelyn tay gets into bicul,
she say,
"my class people put then i put lor"
slap her -.-.

wooo i think the maple patch is almost done.
weiren is very noob xD
cos i overtook him by four lvls alr,
i started dontknow how long after him.
k nevermind, its just him whos lazy to play.

i want to play audition :D
but noone plays with me ):

hahahaha bridge is fun.

piano lessons during dec HAHA.
i think it'll be damn funnnny.

co tee!
have no order next week bahhh.
misstay say ask mrlim or mrchua to pay first cos theyre rich, HAHAHA.

today yunrou told me about the econs lecture thing.
noelle or smth isit,
talked to mrwillychua during their lecture,
it goes.
-thats if she didnt tell me wrong stuff-
very cute right hahahhaha.

shit i wanted to say something but i forgot -.-

i think its damn shit.
we dont get to go and see the new school when we move for co lor.
their delay,
until dec smth.
very long.
i want to go.
and what shit, construction = no students allowed.
i shall go hostel man,
cos according to misstay thats the only place we can go i think?
hahahaha doesnt matter.
hostel looks tall O:

caizhihui is asking me to go eat steamboat O;

come come i tell everyone something,
im going to start my dietingplan
i started alot alot alot of times,
and i failed alot alot alot alot of times ):

xiumei still owes me two mcflurry! yay hahaha.
but its fattening ):
okay idk what im talking about when i dont really care,
at least being fat saved my life,
jacelyn told me if im not fat i might have died cos of the cut on my,

oh that cut,
its damn annoying -.-
i would rather it keep bleeding,
it doesnt hurt when it keeps bleeding,
it only hurt when skin grows out.
hahaha so i got excited and thought if i pluck off it wouldnt hurt as much,
so i went to pluck and it got even more painful -.-
second part is,
everyone ask what happened,
so i have to explain and explain,
the more stupid part is that,
when you spent so much effort explaining,
people dont give a shit about your hand and whatever,
and laugh at your stupidness,
wlao! its not even what i wanted can,
who would want to go through pain like for no reason -.- bullshit.

hahahha i think its fun to blog now.
i can rant at whatever and noone cares, since noone visits this stupid thing :D

i think theres a lot a lot of grammar mistakes.
maybe next time i'll get a english teacher ask him/her check before i press,
"Publish Post"

but now no money, cannot ):

10:55 PM

Monday, November 9, 2009

i havent posted in a long time.

today's sectional was funnn :D
actually i think mrlee is verry nice! :D
hes not that scary according to what whoever said.
hohoh i love mrlee (:

chalet tomorrow!
im looking forward to chalet heh.
before that got cca O:
tomorrow's cca very late :D

kind of screwed? O:

im scared of my next year booooooo ):

moving school moving school.
so much to look forward to woohoo!
:D :D :D

go kahleong! wahaha.

10:41 PM

Thursday, November 5, 2009

#21 ♥Vivan Loony! 四娘(三)`前凸后翘! says:
and tmr i have to decide my fate
#21 ♥Vivan Loony! 四娘(三)`前凸后翘! says:
and future
#21 ♥Vivan Loony! 四娘(三)`前凸后翘! says:

i think its hilaroius, i have no idea why.

11:06 PM

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

i submitted my subject combination survey.

no more troubles :)

9:22 PM

chua, kahleong
jwps, rvhs
rvco, cellobass
YTCCCO is part of my life!


linking, is bad for health :D

June 2009
July 2009
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September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
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February 2010
March 2010
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December 2010

Designer: doughnutcrazy
Image: oktyabr
Textures: kiho-chan
Brushes: funeralmonster