Sunday, March 28, 2010

back from scco's concert.
haahaa was great,
didnt regret spending the time and money at all.
heard nice songs.
its totally different to hear it live and from youtube.
im so addicted to concerts i shall attend so so so many more concerts.

heard their jiangjunling,
and compared to ours,
totally felt like crying T.T
their speed is like, almost two times of ours,
and yet theirs is like more zheng qi than ours lawl.
maybe people can say cos its their syf piece, of course they practiced alot.
theirs got the jiashi,
their bass drum timpani and gong was super loud wow lol.
damn cool :D
just hope that our co's standard can shoot up before the concert like how it always does.
i guess now we lack the attitude, the sense of urgency, its only nine weeks left.
i have to work hard too my skills are still stuck at the lousy standard,
i need to raise it up high,
hoping to bring an extra bass back home.

ohman i have so many -impossible- goals now.
jiayou ):

11:08 PM

Thursday, March 25, 2010

oh man,
i miss our malan campus ):
the co spoilt co room door that we can just open without having to get keys,
those days that we had to struggle with percussion instruments down the stairs.
the smallness of the co room.
my bass corner ):
last time i could just dump all my stuff there, it was great.
those percussion instruments staying outside,
now, we have to freaking move everything inside the not-that-big co store room.
i miss the carpetted floor too.
it was so nice to sit on,
the floor of the new co room is not nice ):
last time it was so squeezy that my bow could poke mahweiren.
now, we're just so far apart.

i miss the location too.
malan road,
now, boonlay road.
like so many people stay at boonlay road,
no more dinner after cca, they have to rush home cos they live just too near.
i dont get to go home with people anymore,
loner life ):
i miss taking mrt with xinyu weiren youwei jiawei kennard etc.
now, we just walk to boonlay and say goodbye.
last time,
we could go to clementi, vivocity, queensway, blahblah.
now, its just jurong point, jurong point and still jurong point.
im totally sick and tired of jurong point,
i miss sumo house, i miss superdog, i miss curry chicken.
how i wish we didnt move,
i dont like the new school, its so big i have to walk so much.
its so new that everything stinks.

i suddenly miss so much stuff,
so many people.
today mandy was telling us shes leaving like, soon.
we just realised how fast it was that years just flew past like that,
a few months later,
maybe not even a month,
a few weeks later,
the year sixs are leaving us.
theres no more jingqin to nag at me randomly for idk why,
no more youwei's dontknow what hes just weird.
no more judith no more jingyuan no more panyin no more lydia.
no more yunrou no more weilin no more all the year sixs.
soon, it'll be next year. mandy's batch will be leaving us too.
omg by then i'll be year five,
k whatever i dont even know if i'll promote lah shit.
i cant imagine all the seniors leaving ):
sooooooooon weiren cheahjing tiantian szenee yifan jwei qingcheng muisock jeremy blah everyone will be leaving!
then i'll be LEAVING HAHA.
k whatever.
shit what the hell am i doing.
i dontknow why i just feel very sad now.

blah i miss everything i dont like my life now ):
i miss sec two,
home econs!
the lessons now are so boring its just lessons and lessons and lessons nothing fun, nothing for me to look forward to at all ):

i miss the time before syf last year oh my gosh i shant continue writing.
wuti1 ):
we were still playing wuti1 kuaiban just now during the extra prac,
omg memories.
wuti1 was the first proper song i learnt when i came into co.
e b e g b d e g e c g a b f b d e b e g e c d b e d f d e a b d.
those days when i was carrying my file wherever i go,
trying to memorise the four pages of notes,
plus chan ge, six.
those extra practices during saturdays,
those extra practices on thursday after school in the smelly drama studio.
oh i miss those days damn lot.
the wonderful piece,
the time when so many people cried.
the mo qi with the seniors,
guidance of kennard,
they have left us,
oh dear.

idk why i wrote this post whatever im going to sleep,
pray hard i would dream of everything ever since mrlee pointed at me and asked me to join them for syf till everything later.
how i wish i could experience everything all over again.
those memorable moments, those wonderful experience..

11:16 PM

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

haha sec one bass asked if they can stay back on thursday for extra prac.
i was totally waiting for that.
jiayou hahaha.

tomorrow's PE OMG.
walk walk wooooo.
siannnnn napfa is coming.
i think if i fail napfa i cannot play games shits.
blah whatever pe sucks.

i need to start saving money,

i shall sleep super early, like soooooooooooooon yay.

9:09 PM

Thursday, March 18, 2010

co camp's finally over woo.
lol i reached home at five plus and slept at six.
till 10am this morning woo :D
sixteen hours haaha.

now im back with the pile of homework facing me ):
i cant wait for cca tomorrow so i can use it as an excuse for me not to be doing homework ):
cocamp's over :D
no more meetings!

i have no more time for homework ):
im just gonna copy yay.
tomorrow's cca day.
saturday theres some bicul stuff.
sunday got nusco concert omg yay im looking so forward to it hahahhaa.

yesterday went sakae buffet with section
three sec ones joined us :D
but none of the sec twos did.
see how.. yes.
we'll protect our dear sec ones MUAHAHHAA.

i shant continue.

11:47 AM

Friday, March 5, 2010

life is sad.
but its okay,
since its kahleong woohoo.
omg what am i talking about whatever.

co camp is coming O:
lol aw man jv doesnt get to play our games AW.

i think im getting more and more no life hai.
my life is so boring.
its just school cca and work, school cca and work.
no more going out,
except for meals.
so sad right T.T

please chuakahleong please ):
im beggggggggggging you.

im totally gonna screw my term1 gpa.
but there isnt progress report, -.-.
i dont have term1's to prepare me for the horrible gpa for term2.
what shit.
i hope english will be the only subject i fail,
i dontwant to fail anymore.

cheahjing just told me the guess who game is cancelled -.-
oh well i think co camp is screwed -.-
its just some stupid practices okay nevermind nothing.
well, cannot be blamed ):
its okay!

we're gonna perform so much.
its so exciting wow :)
wuti8, jjl, matsuri, rhythm of the rain.
we're supposed to memorise them all -.-.
thanks :D
im so greatful.
so that i wont have to memorise for concert.

just now i was thinking about me sucking in bass and stuff.
i should kan kai yi dian yes.
im just a year2 in co,
learned one year,
its kind of impossible to be able to use my ears to hear if its too sharp or too flat,
thats too impossible.
jiaying said she was only able to do that was she was grade 8 in violin lol O:
k whatever.
i have like totally horrible ears i should just use the marking cos my ears will totally fail me.

ignore me im just tired i need to sleep bye.

i still cant stand my uselessness oh my gosh.
mrlum was emphasising about vibrato for xianyue,
i think my vibrato got no effects -.-
i should stay back and practice more soon when i have the time too hai.
out of tune, horrible vibrato, how can i be called a dbass player -.-.
i hate my hairless bow.
but theres nothing i can do -.-.

enough of complaints.

i should work harder.

11:10 PM

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

i feel like a total failure.
im like sucking at everything i do.

im like failing almost all my subjects,
my gpa is like going to drop below two like thanks oh my gosh.
f9 for english already -.-.
hai im giving up.

and im like total failure in cca too -.-
i totally cannot tell if im in or out of tune.
year three already ohno.
my sightreading's totally horrible too.

i dont do whatever i say too.

im so freaking pissed with myself damnit.
why cant i just work harder.


8:32 PM

chua, kahleong
jwps, rvhs
rvco, cellobass
YTCCCO is part of my life!


linking, is bad for health :D

June 2009
July 2009
August 2009
September 2009
October 2009
November 2009
December 2009
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
April 2010
May 2010
December 2010

Designer: doughnutcrazy
Image: oktyabr
Textures: kiho-chan
Brushes: funeralmonster